Spartan Vertebroplasty System

About Spartan Vertebroplasty System

It can either be a vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty system, depending on whether you make a void or not. You can code for what you do not what the instrument's name is (i.e. When using a Kyphon balloon it results in a kyphoplasty code no matter if a void is created or not.). It allows for the voids made to connect to fracture planes and/or different quadrants of the vertebral body from a unilateral approach. The cement or whatever is inserted is done in a controlled fashion and distributed in the voids made. It does not require refracture of the vertebral body to create the void and channels. The tactile feel of the tamp is most satisfying when performing this procedure. The entire tamping procedure is fluoroscopically observable. The cement extrusion rate is lower.

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