About 10g LOPS/LEAP Testor (Prod 9946)
10g LOPS/LEAP Testor comes with the Softip monofilament extended for testing. The handle has the monofilament fold down for safe keeping. The handle is flexibly soft. The LOPS/LEAP model comes standard with a Softip monofilament. ***** Key Benefits: •Each monofilament is calibrated to produce the specific force within error margins (usually 15%; can do 10% upon request) •Softip monofilaments more sensitively uncover common neuropathies (from causes metabolic, laceration, or compression -- the large-axonal neuropathies). •Semi-permanent (image will never rub off, nor will the plastic handle crumble in your hand as cardboard is want to do after a while). •100% calibration -- each monofilament is pushed against an artificial foot to measure its applied force (10g +/- 15%).
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