DSC Dorso-Lumbar Vertebral Body Cages (Prod 11091)

About DSC Dorso-Lumbar Vertebral Body Cages (Prod 11091)

The DSC system is composed of two main components: an external module and an internal module, which slides in relation to the external module.
The dimensions of the implant are greatly reduced and guarantee full adaptability to the different anatomical areas in which it is to be used (from the upper thoracic area to the lower lumbar area). It is possible to choose between different sizes and inclinations of the vertebral plates in order to adapt this system to the anatomy of the adjacent vertebrae. Furthermore, the new DSC system offers PAEK plates which guarantee a module of elasticity similar to human cortical bone and allows the arthrodesis process to be imaged.

Implant clamping is secured by two screw pins that lock the sliding racks. Primary stability is determined by the Titanium Ti6Al4V ELI alloy pointed extremities on the vertebral plates, which also act as radiographic reference points.


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