About Valeo Family of Interbody Fusion Devices (Prod 1502022)
The Valeo Interbody Fusion Devices are made of Silicon Nitride, a 21st century ceramic used in high stress environments that require exceptional strength, durability and reliability. Formed when powdered components are combined under great pressure and temperature, Silicon Nitride implants are fully-dense, strong, tough and hydrophilic. This implant has a dense outer ring to replicate the load bearing function of cortical bone, and knurls to bite into bone and reduce implant migration. Closely inspected to ensure the highest quality, each implant comes provided in sterile packaging.
Valeo® TL Lumbar Interbody Fusion Device; Valeo PL Interbody Fusion Device; Valeo OL Interbody Fusion Device; Valeo AL Interbody Fusion Device. Previously available from Amedica.
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