ExactechGPS® Guided Personalized Surgery (Prod 150329)

About ExactechGPS® Guided Personalized Surgery (Prod 150329)

The next generation of ExactechGPS® Guided Personalized Surgery merges sophisticated technology with innovative instrumentation for a real-time, patient-specific solution in total knee arthroplasty. Customized for surgeon preferences, ExactechGPS offers personalized workflow options for reproducibility and efficiency and is surgeon-controlled through a compact, stand-alone system that is designed to integrate into any surgical environment.

Incorporated into the GPS system is an electronic instrument to balance soft tissue in total knee replacement surgery. This device uses multiple miniaturized sensors and actuators to perform multiplanar balancing of the knee joint in a full range of motion. The sterile-packaged disposable device uses a novel, constant pressure bellows system that wirelessly communicates with the display to offer dynamic multiaxial balance and selection of optimal thickness for the tibial component. The device provides real-time visual feedback to the surgeon for soft tissue release. It is reportedly compatible with most total knee implant systems from major manufacturers. The device can also reportedly save an electronic record of the 3-D balance of the knee at the end of the procedure. Previously available from XpandOrtho.

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