Yellofin Elite Stirrups (Prod 2788)

About Yellofin Elite Stirrups (Prod 2788)

The Yellofin stirrups enable surgical personnel to lift and position a patient's legs, then safely and securely hold the legs in position while surgical procedures are performed.

The Yellofin stirrup family is different because of the lateral safety fin, and the patented Lift-Assistâ„¢ technology. The boot's unique fin design eliminates the possibliity of peroneal nerve injury, unlike candy cane stirrups that can cause nerve damage from uncontrolled abduction during procedures. 

In addition, Lift-Assistâ„¢ technology neutralizes the leg weight, enabling staff to easily move the leg to any desired position. This is extremely helpful with heavy or obese patients, both in preventing staff back injuries and by enhancing patient comfort and safety.

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