LineUP (Prod 1804072)

About LineUP (Prod 1804072)

LineUP is an extremity CT system that can provide radiology and orthopedic specialists with three-dimensional bone detail of the orthopedic extremities. The systems can be plugged into a standard wall outlet and have minimal shielding requirements, hence they can be placed in locations convenient to the patient. Radiation dose to the patient is also significantly less than a conventional CT scan.

The LineUP system permits the patient to stand during the scan, so anatomy can be assessed while in the "weight bearing" or "load bearing" position. The LineUP can perform bilateral scans of entire legs, from below the heel to above the knee. An adaptive chair permits scanning of the hand, wrist and elbow as well.

Weight bearing CT imaging for body extremities became commercially available in 2012. Since then, lower extremity specialists and radiologists have published numerous journal articles on the value of a three-dimensional weight bearing views for conditions ranging from complex hindfoot misalignment to a routine bunion deformity. Published research also suggests a three-dimensional weight bearing view of the knees could be instrumental in early detection of osteoarthritis.

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