Ankle Fracture Plating System (Prod 2003311)

About Ankle Fracture Plating System (Prod 2003311)

39 unique plate options from 6 plate families: Lateral Fibula, Flex Fibula, Straight Tibia-Fibula, Posterior Fibula, Posterolateral Tibia, Malleolar Hook. Unique plate choices for trimalleolar ankle fractures provide superior distal fixation and fit compared to traditional plates and screws. Universal plate holes accept 2.7, 3.5 and 4.0 mm polyaxial locking and non-locking screws, allowing for maximum intraoperative flexibility and patient-customized fixation. Each plate is designed to match the unique, anatomical structures of the distal tibia and fibula, and machined from a single block of titanium alloy using state-of-the-art five-axis CNC technology to ensure greater strength. Fabricated with exceptionally smooth, beveled edges around every surface of the plate to minimize soft tissue irritation and provide greater patient comfort.

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