Fifth in a series of books for seniors with orthopaedic conditions.
Written in large print and illustrated with sketches and photographs, it is intended to help non-medical people better understand their conditions and what two seasoned, board certified orthopaedic surgeons think should be done about them.
The book is written in three sections:
Section I: Shoulder
Section II: Elbow
Section III: Detailed descriptions of a variety of conditions that affect the musculoskeletal (bone, muscle, joint) system.
This benefits patients by helping them understand their problems and what questions to ask their orthopaedic surgeons and other providers. Surgeons benefit by having better informed patients, reducing the time necessary to explain everything in detail to each patient.
MY SHOULDER HURTS! MY ELBOW HURTS! can be ordered by clicking on
Amazon Books and purchased directly from Coastal Pharmacy & Compounding Lab in Wilmington, NC, USA.
Information on the first four books can be found by clicking on
MyBones Books.