Medtronic CD Horizon Pedicle Screws and Crescent PEEK Cages (Implant 240131)

About Medtronic CD Horizon Pedicle Screws and Crescent PEEK Cages (Implant 240131)

Submitted by Hal Stovall as an unidentified implant that was implanted in about 2010.  Location of surgery and names of implants unknown.

Courtesy of Hal Stovall
Medical Device Sales - Spine
Raleigh, NC  USA

1/31/24:  Ben Wilson, Senior Territory Manager at Medtronic Spine, responded on LinkedIn on 1/31/24 that these appear to be Meditronic Legacy pedicle screws and Crescent PEEK cages.

1/31/24:  Jeremy Ray, Medtronic Spine and Biologics Sasles Representative, responded on LinkedIn that he believes that these are Medtronic CD Horizon Legacy 5.5 T27 set screws and to use a 3.5 Hex for the pedicle screws.

2/19/24:  Notified by Hal Stovall that the implant was successfully removed and confirmed that the implant is indeed a Medtronic Legacy 5.5.

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