Disposable, malleable suction tubes that with full-flow, anti-clog tips for maximum on-the-spot aspiration and with the Positive Control On/Off Valve that gives you complete control of the suction force
- The Orthopaedic Suction Tube ensures unparalleled aspiration for bone chips, body fluids and tissue. The constant 1/4-inch internal diameter provides full flow for even the most demanding surgical procedures.
- The Bullet-nosed five-hole tip maximizes aspiration. If one of the holes becomes clogged with tissue or debris, the other holes will compensate providing a true anti-clog tip. Its Positive Control On/Off Valve gives you the total control of the suction force.
- The Retractor-nosed five-hole tip aids in moving tissue aside for improved visibility. Like the 5091, the Retractor is also anti-clog and allows complete control of the suction force with the On/Off Valve.