WEST-D™ (Prod 9947)

About WEST-D™ (Prod 9947)

The WEST-D™ permits the tracking of the onset and resolution of insensitivity. The patented Softip monofilaments more sensitively reflect common neuropathy, because they stimulate without the sharpness of the common monofilaments.

By the way, ever wonder, if the WEST-D™ has only five Softip monofilaments, then how does it test at all those levels?" By threshold we mean the 50% detection level at near 0% false positives. Therefore, if the patient reports the application of 10 g half of the time, then 10g is threshold. But if the patient always reports 10 g and never reports 2 g, then the threshold is somewhere between those two values. In that case, we estimate at the average of 10 and 2, i.e., 6 g. The Rapid Threshold Procedure quickly estimates threshold with the WEST-D™.

Eleven-sensation level, five Softip monofilaments, calibrated for applied-force esthesiometer

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