About Digital Templating on Digital Lightbox
The Digital Lightbox offers much more than a standard lightbox. Instantly interact with medical images on a 30" multi-touch monitor, access images from anywhere, including PACS, patient supplied CDs, and even save/load plans securely from the web. You can easily plan with digital templating or review templates just prior to the case. The Digital Lightbox also functions as a mini-integrated OR by displaying video sources such as arthroscopy and/or fluoroscopy, and can even control a BrainLAB navigation system. Efficient digital templating for the OR; Easily access patient data from CD, PACS, or even from the web; Implement a mini-integrated OR with video routing, PACS, and HIS; Interact with navigation through remote control and display.
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As an important component of the service function of OrthopaedicLIST.com, some products continue to be listed that are no longer manufactured and may not be available. We will identify them as such when possible. This allows users to find special instruments and/or components for removal, modification, and/or revision of those products.