About ExoShape Soft Tissue Fastener (Prod 12014)
The ExoShape Soft Tissue Fastener, is a two-part PEEK Altera interference fixation device meant to simplify and improve soft tissue graft fixation during anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstructive surgery.The ExoShape Soft Tissue Fastener’s deployment gun facilitates full expansion of the PEEK Altera shape memory sheath without rotational motion, thereby preserving the surgeon’s desired graft bundle orientation. The ExoShape Gun and ExoShape Cartridge utilize a closed force loop for sheath expansion, eliminating the need for forward force on the sheath. This allows the surgeon to confirm desired graft tension prior to final device deployment. Graft tension remains unchanged during ExoShape deployment. The use of the proprietary PEEK Altera shape memory polymer enables the sheath to be pre-compressed to a low profile for easy insertion and then fully expanded for effective graft-to-tunnel compression and secure graft fixation. The ExoShape Gun provides a convenient mechanical advantage for easy deployment of the ExoShape PEEK Altera shape memory Sheath.
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