IdentiQuik Smart Couplings

About IdentiQuik Smart Couplings

The patented IdentiQuik Smart Couplings™ with RFID technology help you make faster, safer and smarter connections. The patented IdentiQuik Smart Couplings is a breakthrough design that enables users to freely exchange data between two halves of a coupling at the time of connection using contactless Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. Data is stored on the package coupling or fluid delivery line and is automatically transferred across the coupling. Communication continues, transferring tag values to your control system. The benefits of the IdentiQuik Smart Couplings are numerous. They can prevent misconnections due to operator error or out-of-sequence connections, and can protect brands and prolong equipment life by halting or logging the use of unauthorized fluids or harmful media. IdentiQuik Smart Couplings also save time by electronically verifying correct usage of liquid media, and they minimize health and safety issues by locking out dangerous combinations.

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