About Leeds-Keio System 90 (Prod 2663)
The System 90 is the original Leeds-Keio™ knee ligament, being designed and manufactured with mechanical properties that mimic those of the natural human cruciate ligaments - Parallel longitudinal fibres of polyethylene terephthalate provide high strength. There are three versions of the System 90: 1.S90 IA: the System 90 intra-articular used for ACL reconstruction. 2.S90 IA + EA: the System 90 intra-articular + extra-articular used for ACL reconstruction with lateral extra-articular reinforcement. 3.S90 HPA: the System 90 High Performance Athlete ligament provides a stronger prosthesis to deal with the higher forces placed on it by the athletic or larger patient and is used for ACL or PCL reconstruction.
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