About MarBrane (Prod 160421)
MarBrane is an amniotic tissue membrane product harvested from placental tissue. This versatile biologic is processed using the patent pending matrix-assisted regeneration (MAR) technology which protects cells during the recovery process, allowing for greater cell viability. MarBrane has been developed for use in a broad range of markets and applications, including: advanced wound, plastic surgery, pain management, spinal, orthopedic, and ocular indications. As an amniotic tissue matrix allograft, MarBrane offers a natural collagen scaffolding, an extracellular matrix (ECM) that gives structural support to adjacent cells for tissue development and promotes the migration and proliferation of the patient's own cells to the site of injury or defect for advanced healing. Placental tissue allografts present a safe, non-immunologic alternative to synthetic, cadaveric, and animal-derived regenerative products.
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