Safe and effective non-surgical treatment for non-union of fractures and some delayed unions as well. Use pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) signals to induce a low-level electrical field at the site which stimulates bone healing. Proven fracture healing success.
Healing succss in common nonunion sites
- Femur: 84.2%
- Fibula: 91.4%
- Metatarsal: 90.9%
- Tibia: 89.0%
- Ulna: 96.1%
- Radius: 93.8%
- Anatomically designed models with a variety of configurations for different sites
- 360º of PEMF treatment around the fracture site that penetrates across tissue, bone, and fixation devices
- Single-piece cordless design for ease of placement, mobility, and convenience
- Effective delivery even when worn over clothing, casts, and boots
- Enables physicians to remotely view patient adherence to their prescription
- Engages patients in their recovery process through treatment calendars, therapy reminders, and educational resources