Proximal Humeral Fracture Plate System

About Proximal Humeral Fracture Plate System

The Proximal Humeral Fracture Plate System includes two distinctive, anatomic proximal humeral plates in one tray, allowing the surgeon to intra-operatively choose between various fixation options for common to more complex and unique fracture patterns. The two plates are also designed to simplify positioning and minimize soft tissue interference. The system's Low Profile Plate is designed to be placed lower on the humerus to minimize subacromial and soft tissue impingement, while its Greater Tuberosity Plate provides a higher placement option, with 12 proximal screw holes to maximize the fixation coverage of the humeral head. Both plates include four holes, specifically designed to provide stable fixation in the calcar neck and help protect against varus tilt and settling of the humeral head.

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