Salubria (Prod 9837)

About Salubria (Prod 9837)

A unique polyvinyl alcohol and water-based biomaterial that can be in all spinal, hand and rotator cuff applications, as well as for surgical sheet applications in all areas of the body

The hydrogel is designed to behave similarly to human tissue, contains water in similar proportions, and is known to be highly biocompatible. 

In the United States, the FDA has cleared the material, in a form called Salubria®, for use next to nerves and in the European Union and Canada it has been cleared for use next to nerves and to replace worn-out and lesioned cartilage in the knee. 

The material has been tested to withstand 10 million cycles of high stress and shear using standard industry materials-testing methods. 

This product is used for the Paradis Vaso Shield™, that has received FDA clearance as a cover for vessels following anterior vertebral surgery. 

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