If you are seeking a job or a different job in the orthopaedic or other medical specialty arena and would like for OrthopaedicLIST.com to assist you in doing so, please contact us using the form below.
Please provide your name and contact information, the type of job you are seeking, your qualifications and experience, the geographic location of interest to you, and, if you wish, the salary you hope to make.
Once we get your initial information we will offer you the opprtunity to send us a short narrative about your qualifications and experience in a return email to go into a space like this one that your are reading now.
In addition, we are happy to include your resumeĀ“ or CV if you wish. That will need to be an attachment that can be converted by us to PDF format. Unless you want your name displayed, you should not include it or any identifying information in that document.
Again, if you wish to send one to us, we will post a photograph of you.
We will not post your name with this listing unless you ask us to, but will notify you when offers come in.