
About SutureBridge

The SutureBridge™ is a technique used for Achilles reattachment, following debridement. While standard anchor fixation of the tendon creates only a single point of compression directly over the anchor, the SutureBridge enables an hourglass pattern of FiberWire® suture to be laid over the distal end of the tendon. This four-anchor construct enables a greater area of compression for the Achilles tendon on the calcaneus, improving stability and possibly allowing for earlier return to normal activities. The two 4.5 mm Bio-Corkscrew FT Anchors are single-loaded with two #1 FiberWire sutures, one in blue and one in TigerWire® (black/white). The Achilles tendon is tensioned proximally and approximated to its native location. Depending on surgeon preference, either a Mason-Allen or mattress type stitch is used to bring the tendon down to bone.

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