Triathlon Total Knee Replacement System (Prod 4481)

About Triathlon Total Knee Replacement System (Prod 4481)

Total Knee Replacement Technology Designed for Natural Motion: The Triathlon™ Knee System is designed to help meet patients' expectations for Lifestyle Recovery™. This evolutionary design is predicated on the worldwide clinical success of millions of Stryker knee implantations. The Triathlon™ Knee System is designed to mimic natural motion and provide the potential for greater implant longevity. Increased Knee Motion (1): The Triathlon™ Knee is an evolutionary design built to more closely mimic natural knee motion, providing mobility with stability through 150° of flexion. Improved Wear Performance: Stryker's new, advanced bearing technology, called X3®, has demonstrated a 96% decrease in wear in laboratory testing compared to competitive premium bearing technology (2). Better Fit: The design of Triathlon® offers a wide range of sizing options that closely match both the female and male genders. (3) References 1. Stryker initiated Dynamic Computer Simulations of Passive ROM and Oxford Rig Test, Stephen Piazza, 2003. 2. Stryker Orthopaedics Test Report RD-06-013. 3. Hitt, K., et al., "Anthropometric Measurement of the Human Knee: Correlation to the Sizing of Current Knee Arthroplasty Systems," JBJS,Vol. 85-A, Supplement 4, 2003. Now includes the Triathlon Knee System CS insert which provides greater anterior constraint without sacrificing rotation.

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