Edwards Modular System (Implant 385)

About Edwards Modular System (Implant 385)

  • Edwards Modular System
  • Added information from Synthes Spine Representative Bill Paul: No longer manufactured. Preferable to have special instruments (which may be available at www.marylandspinecenter.com) to remove this implant.
Courtesy of Mark Rodger, M.D.
Atlantic Orthopedics
Wlimington, NC, USA

Manufacturer: Scientific Spinal, Ltd. (Company closed in ~ 2012)


May 13, 2023:  More information for removal of this implant if needed:  Request came from Shane Binding, Medtronic Product Representative, Providence, RI, USA for information reĀ“removal instruments.  Using the above information from Bill Paul, we were able to contct Dr. Charles C. Edwards, Sr., Maryland Spine Center at Mercy, Baltimore, MD who provided the below contact information to borrow removal instruments:

Contact James Edwards who managed Scientific Spinal, Ltd. for a loaner Instrument Removal Kit, which he can ship to you along with an instruction manual.  Telephone number:  786/301-8006.  Email:  james.r.edw@gmail.com.

Surgeons who have questions can contact Dr. Charles Edwards, Sr.

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OrthopaedicLIST.com is a list of products and services. Every effort is made to keep this listing as accurate and current as possible. Companies and individuals are encouraged to notify us of errors and omissions. We will respond to such messages of correction in a timely fashion, as our workload permits.

We are non-judgmental of products listed. We are not in the business of evaluating products. We have not evaluated these products. We make no representations as to the quality, effectiveness, suitability or appropriateness of any of the products listed.

As an important component of the service function of OrthopaedicLIST.com, some products continue to be listed that are no longer manufactured and may not be available. We will identify them as such when possible. This allows users to find special instruments and/or components for removal, modification, and/or revision of those products.