nanOss Bioactive 3D

About nanOss Bioactive 3D

The next-generation nanOss Bioactive 3D is a synthetic three dimensional bioscaffold which supports bone formation. It is an innovative solution that allows for precise placement of the graft into bony defects for a wide range of extremity and trauma surgical procedures. This advanced bone graft features a semi-rigid three dimensional scaffold consisting of porous hydroxyapatite granules suspended within a porous gelatin-based foam matrix, designed to support the body’s natural bone formation process. When hydrated, nanOss Bioactive 3D becomes formable and moldable allowing the implant to conform to the defect site. NanOss Bioactive 3D consists of nano-structured crystals which have extremely high surface area providing more cell attachment sites for osteoclasts and osteoblasts resulting in potential for improved mineralization, remodeling and bone formation.

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