orthoPACE™ (Prod 10513)

About orthoPACE™ (Prod 10513)

The orthoPACE™ incorporates the Company's proprietary Pulsed Acoustic Cellular Expression (PACE) technology platform that delivers extracorporeal shock wave technology (ESWT) to treat a wide variety of chronic and acute conditions in hard and soft tissue.

This award-winning device platform generates high energy, electrohydraulic shock waves that activate biological signaling and angiogenic responses, including revascularization and microcirculatory improvement, helping restore the body's normal healing processes and promote regeneration.

The orthoPACE™ has a compact, portable design and allows for treatments to be performed by a single operator in both the hospital and office setting.

The device features a new, unique applicator that is less painful for some indications and may reduce or completely eliminate anesthesia for some patients.

The product, which replaces the Ossatron device, will be used for tendinoplasties and acute and non-union fractures.

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