Minimally-invasive, fluoriscopically-assisted procedure that identifies and repairs subchondral bone defects, also named Bone Marrow Lesion (BML)
- Commonly executed with arthroscopy for targeting and management of findings within the joint
- Minimally-invasive procedure
- Fluoroscopically-aided
- Helps to locate and fix subchondral bone defects, also called Bone Marrow Lesions (BML)
- Accurate and safe method
- Helps to lower possibility of infection
- Bone substitute is already prepared for use, with a "toothpaste-like" texture
- Substitute only hardens under wet conditions, helping to eliminate time pressure during application
- Substitute is constituted of a micro-crystalline, calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite, a major bone element, and is therefore truly biologic
- Great load-sharing ability (up to 45 MPa)
- Paste is radio-opaque, and easily seen in fluroroscopy and X-rays
- Substitute is bioresorbable during bone remodeling
- Procedure takes about 20 minutes, with fast pain relief and recovery
- Procedure can be applied to:
- Distal femur
- Proximal humerus
- Proximal tibia
- Ankle joint
- Femoral head
- Hip
- Procedure set comes with:
- A working cannula featuring a trocar tip stylet
- A drill
- A guidable bone filler
- Biological cement
FDA approval pending