Mission: To reduce the number of lower extremity amputations and to improve the quality of life for our fellow citizens who are affliced with wounds, complications of diabetes and peripheral artery disease.
The "Save A Leg, Save A Life" Foundation began as the "Wound Summit Outreach, Inc." in October of 2005 founded by Dr. Desmond Bell, DPM and De Anna Taylor, ARNP as a nonprofit organization based in Jacksonville, Florida.
Due to the frustrating amputation rates in the local area, the initial plan was simply to begin increasing the knowledge of home health nurses who were providing care to patients with chronic ulcers. Our first few programs were brief "lunch-and-learns" with only a handful of professionals in attendance.
Over time, we became aware of many issues that were having a direct negative impact on the healing rates of patients who had been referred to us. We became increasingly frustrated by the lack of evidence based protocols being utilized by the practitioners in our community, likely contributing to the dismal statistics associated with lower extremity amputation and overall poor quality of life for those afflicted with chronic wounds..........................
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