Spine: Cervical

Biomet Snowcap Anterior Cervical Plate (Implant 241101)Biomet Snowcap Anterior Cervical Plate (Implant 241101)
Biomet Snowcap Anteriior Surgical Plate.  Originally a produ ... [more]
DePuy Slim Loc Cervical Plate (Implant 240206)DePuy Slim Loc Cervical Plate (Implant 240206)
Courtesy of Hal Stovall Medical Device Sales - Spine Raleigh, NC ... [more]
Medtronic Atlantis (Implant 197)Medtronic Atlantis (Implant 197)
Atlantis anterior Plate and Vertex lateral mass screws Courtesy ... [more]
Medtronic Vertex (Implant 198)Medtronic Vertex (Implant 198)
Vertex lateral mass screws Courtesy of Mark Rodger, MD; Atlanti ... [more]
Medtronic ZEVO Plate (Implant 240213)Medtronic ZEVO Plate (Implant 240213)
Courtesy of Hal Stovall Medical Device Sales - Spine Raleigh, NC ... [more]
Synthes CSLP (Implant 41)Synthes CSLP (Implant 41)
Synthes CSLP Cervical Locking Plate Courtesy of Mark Rodger, MD ... [more]
Synthes Syncage and ACS Plate (Implant 394)Synthes Syncage and ACS Plate (Implant 394)
Syncage and ACCS plate Courtesy of Mark Rodger, MD; Atlantic Or ... [more]
Synthes Syncage and ACS Plate (Implant 395)Synthes Syncage and ACS Plate (Implant 395)
Syncage and ACCS plate Courtesy of Mark Rodger, MD; Atlantic Or ... [more]