About the Manufacturer:
Life Instruments Corporation is dedicated to serving neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons with the highest quality surgical instruments. Handcrafted from the finest materials, our instruments are longer and lighter to provide maximum comfort and better control. They are like extensions of the surgeon's hands.
About Doty-Boyd Pattie Tray (FP 1605034.520)
Metal tray designed to hold neuro-cottonoid patties
Allows patties to be arranged for convenient access
Allows patties to be kept moist
Special configiuration to allow attachement of tray to a Mayo stand
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We are non-judgmental of products listed. We are not in the business of evaluating products. We have not evaluated these products. We make no representations as to the quality, effectiveness, suitability or appropriateness of any of the products listed.
As an important component of the service function of OrthopaedicLIST.com, some products continue to be listed that are no longer manufactured and may not be available. We will identify them as such when possible. This allows users to find special instruments and/or components for removal, modification, and/or revision of those products.