Hyaluronan, The Most Important Molecule in Your Body (Book 2010311)

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Dr. Kuburz is an orthopaedic surgeon, and a lover of animals, specifically cats, dogs, and American Quarter Horses. He takes hyaluronan himself, recommends it to his patients, and gives it to his animals to improve their lives.

About Hyaluronan, The Most Important Molecule in Your Body (Book 2010311)

  • Douglas W. Kuburz, MD
  • Daltan Hermanson
  • Linda A. Landon, Ph.D.
Nearly 100 years of research has shown that hyaluronic acid (HA) protects and lubricates joints, strengthens bones, and aids in eye health and wound healing.  It is also used extensively in skin repair, cosmetic, and aniti-aging products as well.

Injections of hyaluronic acid into joints are commonly used to treat arthritis.

This book is an informative, accessible, and data-driven account describing an important health-related molecure that everyone should know about.  Real-life patients describe their experiences with hyaluronan, a dietary supplement, and how they believe it has improved their health.  Not to forget animals, it is helpful to them, too.

You may order this book from the website link in the column to the right.

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