The “Leg Holder” is a safe and effective means of securing the leg for knee surgery.
SAFE: The pressure created does not exceed 350 mm Hg.
EFFECTIVE: The thigh is drawn into quadrilateral shape, similar to the quadrilateral socket used to control a lower limb prothesis.
The name “Leg Holder” may be used just below a tourniquet placed high on the thigh. When the device is elevated and the foot is off the operating table there is surgical access for all types of knee surgery, including osteotomy and total knee reconstruction.
The reusable or single use foam insert is placed at the anticipated level of application of the clamp. Securing the body part is accomplished by gentle gradual traction on the cross bar while pumping the lever to advance the vertical bar to create the quadrilateral shape of the thigh. When the quadrilateral shape is achieved the advancing lever is lowered into the locked position.
The “Leg Holder” should not be used any longer then one would use a pneumatic tourniquet.
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